Along the way, we’ll illustrate each concept with examples.
Instead of just showing you how to make a bunch of plots, we’re going to walk through the most important paradigms of the Seaborn library. It’s helpful to have the Seaborn documentation open beside you, in case you want to learn more about a feature. We tried to make this Python Seaborn tutorial as streamlined as possible, which means we won’t go into too much detail for any one topic. This is the fastest way to go from zero to proficient. This process will give you intuition about what you can do with Seaborn, leaving documentation to serve as further guidance. Since you’ve already learned the library’s paradigms and had some hands-on practice, you’ll easily find what you need.

However, Seaborn is a complement, not a substitute, for Matplotlib. It makes it very easy to “get to know” your data quickly and efficiently. Those last three points are why Seaborn is our tool of choice for Exploratory Analysis. See examples of how to use Seaborn and Matplotlib to plot different visualisations of continuous variables from Pandas DataFrames. Visualizing information from matrices and DataFrames.Easily and flexibly displaying distributions.Using default themes that are aesthetically pleasing.In practice, the “well-defined set of hard things” includes: We’ve found this to be a pretty good summary of Seaborn’s strengths. If matplotlib “tries to make easy things easy and hard things possible”, seaborn tries to make a well-defined set of hard things easy too. On Seaborn’s official website, they state: It depicts the joint distribution of two variables using a. They can do so because they plot two-dimensional graphics that can be enhanced by mapping up to three additional variables using the semantics of hue, size, and style.Seaborn provides a high-level interface to Matplotlib, a powerful but sometimes unwieldy Python visualization library. The scatter plot is a mainstay of statistical visualization. TechniquesEdit Similar to the 2-dimensional scatter plot above, the 3-dimensional scatter plot visualizes the relationship between typically 3 variables from a. Scatterplot() (with kind="scatter" the default)Īs we will see, these functions can be quite illuminating because they use simple and easily-understood representations of data that can nevertheless represent complex dataset structures. In Seaborn, we use the scatterplot() method. relplot() combines a FacetGrid with one of two axes-level functions: Seaborn offers different ways of styling the plots, such as by changing the color palette with multiple options. This is a figure-level function for visualizing statistical relationships using two common approaches: scatter plots and line plots. We will discuss three seaborn functions in this tutorial.

Visualization can be a core component of this process because, when data are visualized properly, the human visual system can see trends and patterns that indicate a relationship. Statistical analysis is a process of understanding how variables in a dataset relate to each other and how those relationships depend on other variables.